Wednesday 13 February 2008


cloudless blue the sky remains
A winter sun on our faces
no wind to speak of
no rain to feel on our skin

The weather has been beautiful. Strange I remark on the weather here before I remark on times I have had. Maybe because it is the strangest thing compared to liverpool, the times I have had are fun, but so far much the same as the times I have in Liverpool, drunken nights and lots of friendly equally fucked people. Another difference is I am with my Snake bear man.
We told each other what animals we were yesterday while watching family guy, I am apparently a lema/sloth. I feel quite honoured by this because it is better than a goat which has embarressingly been another likeness to me in the animal kingdom. I am apparently also a tapir when it comes to my face.
Please dear readers don't judge him he means no harm when it comes to descriptions of me. He thinks it is cute...??
I will load up images of what we have done at a later date. I can say we have explored all the regions of Winchester, nature beauty and wildlife.
I realise since being here I miss the scenery, I miss trees, I miss grass, the sun. I wish we had this on our doorsteps in liverpool, but we just have large concrete buildings, empty grey skies and no foliage. Winchester is peaceful, friendly, clean and naturally stunning.

I am at the moment being diverted by craigs bendy bits, don't worry he is a dancer and is warming up his muscles infront of me i.e. cheast stands, feet over head, splits, macdonalds M. All sorts of those things. very impressive very hard to do and all quite engrossing to watch.

I could watch him doing these things the rest of my life.

My little limber snake bear...

1 comment:

Amanda said...

And so you shall my little fairy princess!